Above All

4 Sermons | September 3-24, 2023

In one of his plays, William Shakespeare once famously asked, "What's in a name?" But when it comes to God the answer to that question is, "A lot."


In the Bible, names reveal the very nature of who someone is. And that's true when it comes to the names for God we find in the Bible. So in this series, we'll explore some of the common names for God we find in the Bible and see what each name reveals about who God is.

Sermon 1


September 3, 2023

In Exodus 3, God tells Moses that God's name is "I am." And this isn't a one time thing, this is the same name for God that is used more than 6,500 times in the Bible.


But it still seems like a strange way to introduce yourself. So why does God introduce himself as "I am"? Well, that name has a lot to teach us about who God is.

Sermon 2


September 10, 2023

There is an old adage that tells us, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." This piece of advice is true whether you're interviewing for a job, going on a date, or just introducing yourself to someone for the first time.


And it's even true for when we're first introduced to God in the Bible. When we're first introduced to God in Genesis 1, God wants to make an impression that we'll never forget.

Sermon 3

El Shaddai

September 17, 2023

We all know how rare it can be for someone to keep their promises. Politicians break their promises. Parents break their promises. People break their promises. And, in Genesis 17, it looks like God might just break a promise too.


But instead of breaking a promise that God made to Abraham and Sara, God proves that he is a God that can make a way where there is no way. God shows that he is a God who will never let us down.

Sermon 4


September 24, 2023

In the Bible, names reveal something about a person's nature or character. That's also true for the names of God we find in the Bible. The names of God we find in the Bible tell us that our God is great and powerful and that there is no one like our God.


But there is one name for God we find in the Bible that reveals as much about how God sees us as it does about who God is...and that's the name Father.

What can blockbuster films teach us about our faith? We'll find out in our "God on Film" sermon series at Melbourne Heights.