Before You Give Up

6 Sermons | April 16-May 21, 2023

Whether you've received a troubling diagnosis from your doctor, or hit a rough patch in your marriage, or reached your breaking point at work; we've all had times when we've been ready to give up.


And that means that we all need to know how we can keep going when we're ready to quit. In this series, we'll talk about things that we all need to know before we give up.

Sermon 1

Growing Weary

April 16, 2023

There are times when we all feel resigned to the violence and hatred, pain and suffering, sorrow and despair that we see in our world. It can feel like these problems are too big to solve and there's nothing we can do about them.


But before we give up, we need to remember that we should never grow weary of doing good. So no matter how big the world's problems may be, there is still good that we can do.

Sermon 2

You'll Get Through This

April 23, 2023

Whether you've received a troubling diagnosis from your doctor, or hit a rough patch in your marriage, or reached your breaking point at work; we've all had times when we've been ready to give up.


But before you give up, you need to remember that you are still a child of God, and God will help you make it through because God still has good planned for your life.

Sermon 3

God Is With You

April 30, 2023

There are times when it feels like every one has given up on you...and, when that happens, it's hard to have faith in yourself. And when you lose faith in yourself, it's easy to want to give up.


But before you give up, you need to remember that God never gives up on us. And that, no matter what we're facing, God is with us.

Sermon 4

Don't Compromise

May 7, 2023

When you reach a point where you're ready to throw your hands up and quit, you're also in danger of compromising your character and doing something you'd never dream of doing - like lying, or cheating, or hurting someone else.


So how can you keep from compromising your character when you're ready to quit? You have to cling to God and remember who God made you to be.

Sermon 5

Wait Upon the Lord

May 14, 2023

Whether you're sitting in a drive-thru line at McDonald's or standing in line to check out at Target...nobody likes to wait. And the longer you have to wait to achieve a goal or accomplish a task, the more likely it is that you'll give up on it altogether.


So, if we want to keep going when we're ready to quit, we need to learn how to wait.

Sermon 6

Keep Hope Alive

May 21, 2023

In a world filled with overwhelming problems, personal disappointments, and waiting that seems endless, it's easy to lose hope and want to give up. So how can we keep hope alive when we reach a point where we want to quit?


By maintaining a sense of gratitude and recognizing God's faithfulness, we can keep hope alive in the face of adversity and we can keep going when we're ready to quit.

We've all had times when we've been ready to give up. In this sermon series, we'll talk about things that we all need to know before we give up.