Failing at Faith

6 Sermons | April 7-May 12, 2024

When it comes to our faith, there are times when it seems like no matter how hard we try to be better followers of Jesus there is always more for us to do. And when it feels like you can't succeed no matter how hard you try, you can start feeling like a failure.


But can you really fail at faith? Is it actually possible to hear God tell you, "Well done, good and faithful servant?" That's what we'll be talking about in this series

Sermon 1

Are We Disappointing God?

April 7, 2024

No matter how hard we try, sometimes it feels like we haven’t done enough for our faith. We know there are still commandments that we struggle to keep and things that Jesus teaches us that we’d rather ignore. We know that we could always read our Bibles more often and that we could spend more time in prayer each day.


But just because there's always more to do, does that mean we're failing at faith?

Sermon 2

Justification & Sanctification

April 14, 2024

We have to be careful when we start feeling like we're failing at faith. And that's because when we feel like we're failing at following Jesus, we wonder if we're actually following Jesus at all.


But do our actions actually determine if we're saved? And if not then how does salvation work?

Sermon 3

Failing at Reading the Bible

April 21, 2024

There are plenty of things in life we all know that we should do that we don't actually do. And the statistics tell us that, as followers of Jesus, we don't do a great job of reading the Bible...and that can make us feel like we're failing at faith.


So what does God expect from us when it comes to reading the Bible?

Sermon 4

Failing at Sharing Our Faith

April 28, 2024

We all have people we look up to. And, as followers of Jesus, a lot of us look up to Billy Graham. And there is a lot to admire. Billy Graham shared his faith with hundreds of millions of people.

So when we compare ourselves to someone like Billy Graham, it can feel like we're failing at faith. So what does God actually expect from us when it comes to sharing our faith?

Sermon 5

Failing at Praying

May 5, 2024

Sometimes life feels like it is filled with impossible standards. And these impossible standards feel like they even carry over into our when Paul writes that we need to "pray continually."


No one can pray every second of every day, that's impossible. So what is Paul really trying to teach us about prayer?

Sermon 5

Failing at Giving

May 12, 2024

In Matthew 5, Jesus tells us to, "Give to those who ask, and don't refuse those who wish to borrow from you." In Romans 12, Paul tells us to, "Share with the Lord's people in need." But even though the Bible tells us to give and to share to help those in need, we aren't always very generous.


So are we failing at faith because we don't give enough? 

What can blockbuster films teach us about our faith? We'll find out in our "God on Film" sermon series at Melbourne Heights.