5 Sermons | January 14 - February 11, 2024
Even though the New Year has only just begun, many of our calendars are already filling up. From trips to the doctor or dentist, from taking our kids to swim lessons or volleyball practice, from fixing dinner to packing lunches - our lives are busy. But no matter how busy we get, we still try to cram more events and activities into our lives.
But our chronic busyness takes a toll on our lives. So, in this series, we’ll find ways to slow down, clear our calendars, and make time for what really matters to us.
Sermon 1
Way Too Busy
January 14, 2024
Even though the New Year has only just begun, many of our calendars are already filling up. But no matter how busy we get, we still try to cram more events and activities into our lives.
But our chronic busyness is taking a toll on our lives. So we need to find ways to slow down and make time for what matters the most in our lives.
Sermon 2
Why So Busy
January 21, 2024
We live in a culture that often tells us that our worth comes from our work. So, we think that we have to be constantly busy just to show how valuable we are.
So if we want to be able to slow down and make time for what really matters, we have to understand where our value truly comes from.
Sermon 3
Yes or No
January 28, 2024
Many of us struggle to tell other people "no." Because of this, we fill up our time and schedules with things that aren't that important to us.
So if we want to overcome our busyness, we need to learn to set boundaries. And we need to learn to make sure that all of our yeses count.
Sermon 4
The Back Burner
February 4, 2024
No matter how hard we try to keep up with all of our commitments, things always end up on the back burner. Sadly, our relationship with God tends to be one of the first things we put on the back burner when life gets busy.
So what can we do to make sure God remains a priority in our lives when life gets busy? We can slow down and remember who God is.
Sermon 5
What's Imperative
February 11, 2024
Sometimes it feels like there are a million things to get done on our to-do lists. And all of the things we want to get done are important...they wouldn't make it onto our to-do list if they weren't.
But, in our busyness, we need to make sure we don't let things that are important get in the way of things that are imperative.