The story of your life is unfolding right before you. Some days you might feel like a background extra, and other days, the main character. But ultimately, your life is part of a bigger story—the story that God has been telling since the beginning of time.
In this series, you'll see that your life is part of the same story that includes Moses, David, Mary, and Paul. And God wants to take you on an adventure that only He could dream up.
God, Heroes, & Everyday Dragons
October 6-20, 2024 | 3 Sermons
The story of your life is unfolding right before you. Some days you might feel like a background extra, and other days, the main character. But ultimately, your life is part of a bigger story—the story that God has been telling since the beginning of time.
In this series, you'll see that your life is part of the same story that includes Moses, David, Mary, and Paul. And God wants to take you on an adventure that only He could dream up.
September 1-29, 2024 | 5 Sermons
The Bible is not only the best selling book of all time, it's also the most commonly misquoted. Whether you're talking about verses like Philippians 4:13 or 1 Timothy 6:10, there are plenty of Bible verses that we misquote, misunderstand, or twist out of context.
So in this series, we'll be taking a closer look at several verses we tend to misquote so that we can see what this verses really have to say.
Run the Race
August 11-25, 2024 | 3 Sermons
The Olympics are filled with inspiring stories and incredible athletes. Many of these athletes have faced great adversity merely to reach the Olympics, let alone to bring home a medal.
In this series, we'll be exploring some of the most inspiring stories from Olympics. And through these stories, we'll see how we can overcome adversity in the race that we call life.
July 7-28, 2024 | 4 Sermons
The book of Jonah is often remembered as the story of a man swallowed by a big fish. But there is so much more to this story. Through Jonah's journey, we discover the vastness of God's love, the futility of running from His call, and the importance of representing God faithfully.
Join us as we explore how this ancient story challenges us to align our hearts with God's compassion for all people.
A Pastor's Perspective
July 14, 2024 | 1 Sermon
There are times in life when the situations we face have to be addressed, and these situations don't always fit neatly into sermon series. So, from time to time, we have to take a break from the message we've planned to address these situations.
So "A Pastor's Perspective" is our ongoing attempt to address difficult situations that touch our world and our lives in a timely fashion.
He Holds the Future
June 9-30, 2024 | 3 Sermons
As Christians, we are called to become like Christ in the here and now, entrusting the future to a God who always works for their best in the world. And our lives, our plans, and our hopes for the future are in good hands.
In this series, we'll be reminded that God will take care of tomorrow as long as we live for God today.
The Book of Job
May 19-June 9, 2024 | 4 Sermons
We've all heard the story of Job...but just because we've heard a story that doesn't mean we fully understand it. So, unfortunately, when we read Job's story we think we know what it's all about. But what if there is more to this story?
In this series, we'll take a closer look at the book of Job and see what Job's story can teach us about following God no matter what.
Failing at Faith
April 7-May 5, 2024 | 5 Sermons
Lent is a season where we reflect on who we are and who God wants us to be. And in Romans 8:29, we’re reminded that ultimately God wants us “to be like his Son” Jesus.
But, when we look at our lives, we realize there are areas where we aren’t like Jesus. So Lent is a time when we commit to be more like Jesus.
Easter | The Irreversible
March 31, 2024 | 1 Sermon
We've all had times when we've messed up. We've all had times when we've made mistakes. We've all had times when we've let other people down. And we've all realized there is nothing we can do to undo what we've done in the past.
But Jesus' resurrection shows us that nothing - not even death - is final. So in spite of the times we've messed up and let other people down, we can always find grace and forgiveness.
Lent: More Like Jesus
February 18-March 24, 2024 | 6 Sermons
Lent is a season where we reflect on who we are and who God wants us to be. And in Romans 8:29, we’re reminded that ultimately God wants us “to be like his Son” Jesus.
But, when we look at our lives, we realize there are areas where we aren’t like Jesus. So Lent is a time when we commit to be more like Jesus.
Ash Wednesday
February 14, 2024 | 1 Service
As the world spins on, we are constantly reminded of our limitations and mortality. Yet, in the midst of life's uncertainties, there is an unchanging truth: we are dust, and to dust we shall return.
Join us for our Ash Wednesday service as we confront this truth together, and begin our journey towards renewal and redemption.
January 14-February 11, 2024 | 5 Sermons
Even though the New Year has only just begun, many of our calendars are already filling up. But no matter how busy we get, we still try to cram more events and activities into our lives.
But our chronic busyness takes a toll on our lives. So, in this series, we’ll find ways to slow down, clear our calendars, and make time for what really matters to us.